Impartiality Policy

Impartiality is a core value of Femaura. We aspire to treat all customers and colleagues with equal respect, avoiding any conflict of interest. 

This policy applies to all staff, volunteers and clients working for Femaura or accessing Femaura’s services. 

  1. Femaura equips each client with the knowledge and tools necessary for them to make their own personal decisions in life.
  • Femaura maintain a high standard of confidentiality. Personal data relating to clients, students, and staff members is kept private. Clients and students must also maintain confidentiality when discussing Femaura. 
  • Femaura are not responsible for their client’s beliefs. Whilst Femaura’s practitioners will pass on spiritual messages and impart spiritual guidance, it is up to the individual to decide how they use this information. Teachers and counsellors do not express personal opinions or influence their clients to pursue a particular course. 
  • Femaura hope that students will take to heart the learning they receive at Femaura and use it to positively shape their future. After the course is complete though, students are ultimately responsible for how they continue their journey.  
  • Femaura cannot be held responsible for any conflict that arises between students or between clients. Such disagreements are a personal matter and Femaura will remain impartial by not taking sides. Students are free to share their concerns with Femaura, but Femaura will not intervene in personal disputes. 
  • During an Akashic reading, only information relating to the client being treated will be shared and discussed. Femaura will not disclose information relating to any other person, even if they are a close relative, partner, or friend. Clients should not ask Femaura to share personal information about another person.  
  • If Femaura believe that a client requires further support or medical treatment, they will signpost the client to the appropriate professional organisation. It is up to the client to accept this support.